Small Church Strategic Planning - Dr. Leo Endel

Smaller church pastors, this broadcast is to help you be a strategic planning hero! For decades Dr. Leo Endel has been helping churches to plan well. He is the Executive Director at Minnesota-Wisconsin Baptist Convention based in Rochester, Minnesota and Pastor at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Madison, WI. He has a heart for helping small churches be strategic planners for missional impact. His book Where Do We Go from Here? is a strategic planning guide for smaller churches. In the three-hour meeting that Dr. Endel teaches in his book, every pastor can be a strategic planner in their church. In this broadcast, Scott, PJ, and Dr. Endel discuss: • Leo's fishing trip of a lifetime is a fishy story • PJ's 101 ways to cook mac n cheese • Understanding obstacles that keep your church from planning o "We are doing fine." o "We do not have the time." o "We've been there, done that, and it didn't work." o "Fear of conflict." o "Not operating in a way that recognizes barriers to growth based on church attendance." • Addressing each obstacle and why pastors don't plan • The difference between 75, 125, and 200 in attendance and planning • Getting to the point of change for planning • Drag a highlighter over some ideas to lead a planning meeting • Who to have on a planning team • How lay leaders, deacons, and key volunteers help a pastor be strategic in planning • Celebrating history while looking forward in planning
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