When should I transition to a new position or to a new church?

What can the local church do to prepare members and staff for their future even if that means it may not be at their church? 
 1. Don’t lock a staff person into only one role.
 2. Provide financial assistance as an incentive to take seminary classes.
 3. Attend seminars together, have staff retreats, envision the “picture of the preferred future” – perhaps take online assessments (Ideal Team Player, Ministry Strengths, DISC, temperaments) 
 4. If you are a pastor, be aware of the future dreams of staff members and allow opportunities to develop their gifts and skills. Be honest about their potential, even if this is hard. 
Gifts of Georgia Baptists through the Cooperative Program enable us to partner together in fulfilling the Great Commission. (c) 2022 Georgia Baptist Mission Board