Why Attend Spark 2020?

The GBMB and our Discipleship Team are excited about SPARK, previously Go Georgia! Join Scott and Dallas as they talk through what the event will look like and release a few special new announcements!

On Aug. 28, 2020 videos of keynote speakers and breakout sessions will be time-released throughout the day for individuals, churches, or associations who register prior to that date at TheSparkConference.com. Those who register before Aug. 28 will have free access to content from Aug. 29-Sept. 22.

The Georgia-hosted annual training event is anticipating churches from its six partnership state conventions to take advantage of the resources. Those conventions, announced last month, are New York, New England, Pennsylvania/South Jersey, Michigan, Utah/Idaho, and Puerto Rico.
Gifts of Georgia Baptists through the Cooperative Program enable us to partner together in fulfilling the Great Commission. (c) 2022 Georgia Baptist Mission Board